03 December, 2010

Serious Kind of Crazy

This is some serious kind of crazy. Also, how can someone possibly be doing this and making sure the camera is turned on at the same time, let alone making certain shots?
cc from yukon white lights

On another note of craziness, someone (or some ones) stole a stuffed reindeer from the top of the roof of a Finnish spiced wine shop at the Christmas Market in Luebeck. Now, without knowing any of the particulars, but after studying the scene of the crime... the robbers had to have,
  • a fair amount of brawn (the reindeer was heavy)
  • a least one ladder (the roof was high)
  • a means of transportation (rules out public transport)
  • thought the idea would be funny thing to do (could be spice-wined induced)
  • been ignorant of the fact that the police station was just two blocks away (so they might live here, but not be all that familar with the city infrastructure)
This might be a highly silly thing to say, but methinks the crime could have been a student prank. What do you think? 


  1. Goodness.....that was an exciting fall from the sky. And yup, a little inspired by wine I would think.

  2. Anonymous7:16 am

    Definitely sounds like a student prank - induced by wine...

    That video is quite breath-taking!
