28 April, 2023

The stubbornness of youth

Cold morning today
Teenagers still wear T-shirts
Since spring has started. 

23 April, 2023

Lost in space

I am lost in space
Possessed with ideas
Fever to create.

05 April, 2023


She held the multi-hued strand in her hand. It was so beautiful. The combination of colors swirled around each other, seamlessly blending, intertwined in a pulsating rainbow.

Though it pained her, she took the strand and tenderly, lovingly began unravelling it. She wanted to contemplate its essence one last time. Once slim and nimble, her fingers no longer had much strength or coordination. But the yarn’s warmth soothed her inflamed joints. Slowly and painstakingly, she teased out the individual filaments. Each glowed reassuringly as she arranged them side by side in front of her.

She had spun this yarn herself. Every vibrant thread contained her life’s energy, which was now gently ebbing away. As she regarded her life’s story, the single elements joined and stretched, forming a path. She smiled with relief, filled with joy at her final journey.

(My friend, Caroline, wrote this piece during our writers' workshop a while ago. I asked her if I could post it because it reminded me so much of Karen.)

(This post is part of my "Growing Up & Growing Old" project.)  

02 April, 2023

Losing the precious flow of deep work

Artistic broadband
Explodes, erasing all thoughts
The moment I sneeze.