01 April, 2009

Learning to Change - Changing to Learn

I'm working on setting up a series of workshops for teachers and creating a teachers' network. While preparing a presentation for one of the first seminars, I came upon this video again in my bookmarker list.

I'm sure I published it here before, but for those of you who haven't watched it, please take a look. In the last ten years I've been involved professionally with various aspects of learning: e-learning, K-12 media literacy, developing software systems for classroom and out of classroom learning. So much of what these people say in the video resonants with me: professionally, as a parent, and personally.

Imagine having someone with these visions and convictions as a boss or colleague. Bliss.


  1. That video is fantastic and so inspirational. I so look forward to hearing more about your work in technology and education!

  2. I've had this post open in a tab in my browser for two weeks now - knowing I wanted to pause and watch it but too busy with day-to-day deadlines and projects to do so.

    I'm so happy to have seen it now. I know I'll be watching it again and sharing it with colleagues.

    Thank you - not only do your art and writing inspire, but also your vision of technology integration in learning.
