08 March, 2009

On the Fly

I'm writing this blog post on the fly (i.e. no spell checker). Our last guest just left this morning and so I've come to a café to establish my freedom from household chores once again.

Our long run of hosting visitors and travelling to various places has come to an end for the moment. Phew. I need a few days to gather my senses again. Balance. Life balance. That is what I need.

Watched a video from Women for Women International the other day. Besides finding the content of discussoins interesting, I was particularly interested in their sponsoring scheme. Their's appears to be a micro-funding practice, which is not quite what our Village Phone Salon project is. Our's is micro-financed-based and not a micro-funding, but sponsorship could still be involved.

Some of our VPSs will be applying for credit at local micro-financing institutes (MFI), but others will have to be financed through, what I am calling, private micro-financing groups. It looks as though each VPS will need a start-up credit between 300 USD and 400 USD. We are in the process of forming small groups of business persons (1-3 per group) who will each lend the start-up credit for a VPS.

I've been thinking that it doesn't matter whether the VPS are financed through local MFIs and Kiva, or through a private group, the lenders might be interested in following the development of the businesses. At the moment, I'm thinking of maybe what we should do is continue the blogs on the VPS site with a monthly report, but a twitter feed in the sidebar. That way the sponsor can follow the daily goings on.

What do you think? would it make it more interesting for sponsors and sponsorees?

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