14 June, 2006


Ok, I'll state right from the beginning that I am sorry and I promise not to do this again, or at least not in the too near future, but I am at my wits end for I really don’t know how to change things both smoothly and radically and permanently as possible from the present, though long persistent, over-worked state of affairs, so that these changes would let me work less, play more, relax regularly, explore persistently a more balanced and joyous existence, thus making me a better person; one that my children could laugh with regularly over stupidly funny incidences, feel less protective of and more at ease with, especially the stressed-out idiot that has been walking through the door these last weeks and discovers that they haven’t done their chores, their rooms are impassable because of their untidy state, and she doesn’t want to cook a warm and nutritional meal, even though this warm meal is not just nutritional in content, but also in colour, flavour, scent, and in the most basic this-is-what-family-bliss-is-all-about sort of way, so why give in to the urge to pick up something from the (excellent) Italian restaurant down the street, though whether I pick something up or not is really not the issue here; I am talking about not being able to pick the right priorities, or at least, not with enough backbone that I walk away from an important task at the office simply because my childless, marriage-on-the-rocks, workaholic boss has no inclining of understanding that I, or any of my other colleagues, have a life outside of our work- actually, and not just a life but something so precious and enriching, that I must be a stupid, demented, spineless, insipid creature not be able to make it clear to him, and me (we don’t even want to start on my dear-but-long-suffering husband, or brilliant but perhaps too kind children) that no, sorry, I have to go home, NOW!

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