03 August, 2024

Chewing gum

Many years ago, I went to pick up Julien at the kindergarten. He said he was really hungry, so I gave him two pieces of gum to chew. (I do not remember if it was the first time I gave him gum.) I was hoping the gum would keep him quiet until we got home.

And it worked! He didn't make one peep the whole way home. When I went to take him out of the children's bicycle seat, I flew him around in a circle before putting him on the ground. Instead of looking happy, he looked distraught.

When I asked him what was wrong, he cried out. The gum was now stuck together. All the way home, he had chewed one of the pieces of gum on the left and the other on the right. He didn't know they were meant to chew together. No wonder he wasn't able to talk to me.

I gave him a big hug and brought him upstairs for a snack.

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