27 January, 2007

A Veritable Delight

The morning came early. Blue skies. Sunshine. Icy winds. It’s been so long since I’ve gone out for an early morning walk. So, off I go. Bundled up warmly. The pathway along the canal is nearby and usually full with joggers, runners, and people walking their dogs. This morning, strangely, no one is on the pathway except me. Then I realise why. The pathway is part frozen mud and part skating rink. I bravely slip, slide, and shuffle along until I can climb up the bank of the canal and reach the road.

Passing pedestrians look at me climbing up onto the road, with looks of amazement. “Didn’t you know it’s dangerous down there?” I brushed off the various bits and pieces from my trousers: evidence of the last fall or two. Then I tried to adopt a dignified expression, as if to say, “Dangerous, nonsense, a veritable delight!”

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