01 December, 2006

Kung Fu Master

I was walking down the street on the way home and as I passed a bus stop, I came upon a schoolboy (perhaps 2nd or 3rd grade) pushing and shoving and punching a girl; basically he was just being a bully. Not in horrible way. Just in a look-at-me-I-have-a-penis-am-so-strong way. The girl was taking it rather well, trying to avoid this Tasmanian Monster without being panicky. She was obviously just hoping her bus would arrive soon and the whole incident could be over. I just cannot stand seeing children pushing and punching.

So, I quietly walked behind the boy. Said, hello. The boy turned and I gave him the Kung Fu master “don’t move or I will pick you up, spin you around, and fly you across one hundred yards” look. The boy froze. I held the look. And then a funny thing happened. The tension in his body completely melted away. As if he just woke up out of a nightmare. He gave me a smile and then went and stood beside the girl and they continued waiting for the bus.

Am I ever glad I’ve watched all of those Asian movies over the years! Not that I can really watch them. Once the one opponent gives the above-mentioned Look, I tend to close my eyes and stick my fingers into my ears and hum, until hubby tells me that the fight scene is over. Still, since I’ve obviously learnt The Look, maybe I should consider looking during the fight scenes, just in case I can lean some of those moves too.

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