18 January, 2009

Caught Up In A Wave Of Change

There has been much written and spoken about change in the last two years. Ardent fans and persistent sceptics of modern trends have tried hard to illuminate and obliterate the fact that Old School, Old Boys, and Old Century are all Old Hat. It doesn’t matter whether you are presently running ahead of the “wave of change” or digging in your heals against it, life as we’ve known it has already changed beyond what many of us hoped, and others have feared. Now, we have to learn to embrace this reality.

Much of social and political changes developed through the furtherment of Internet and mobile technology. Levi Felix wrote recently in the Huffington Post,

“Communication is proving that generation, race, demographic and style are merely smoke and mirrors when it comes to who can influence our future. With the ridiculously rapid development of online social networks, mobile applications, modern grassroots movements and the growing urgency of now, we are seduced by change; it's allure insurmountable and implications incredible.”

It seems as though I cannot open my emails or newsletters without being asked to “vote” for some idea, or pledge myself to some active service. Just in the last days there was change.org’s announcement about the winners of their change.org ideas contest, or Michelle Obama's appeal to American’s to become engaged in USAService.org. Or, the following speech Barack Obama gave,

Now, I am not an American citizen, though I did live there for a few years as a child and all my siblings were born there. Yet, in the next days, I would like to live under the illusion that as a global citizen I can rub elbows with all the Americans who are celebrating Mr. Obama’s inauguration and get caught up in the wave of enthusiasm for all of us to “do good” on the pledges we made.

Because, if I am not mistaken, we all, at one point in time in the last two years, made those mad deals, “Please let Mr. Obama be elected and I promise to…” Well, it is time we did good on those promises.

I have been remiss of late at updating this blog. Some of this has to do with health issues, but the major deflector has been my participation in other social platforms and doing online volunteer work. I have been trying to explore different forms of “ community service” that are both meaningful, as well as rewarding. In the next days, I would like to share with you my experiences with these activities. If nothing else, these last two years has convinced me that we all can individually and universally benefit by giving our time, money, creativity, and hard work.

1 comment:

  1. I am and have been a community volunteer most of my adult life through various community organizations and even as a youth as a Girl Scout and through my church. I will continue that as long as my health permits. It is interesting and very rewarding.
