10 February, 2024

I am... an editor

This is rather strange, but I love editing other people's works. I am something between a development editor and a line editor. It is not a skill I have learnt formally. My editing skills have been honed through years of reading, writing, and, most importantly, being given the privilege to help colleagues, friends, and family polish their work.

Currently, I am editing a PhD titled, "The role of innovation for the implementation of the Circular Economy in the construction and manufacturing industries in Germany". I am around a third of the way through. This means that now it starts getting interesting. Thankfully, it is so well-written that I am under the illusion that I understand what is being said.

There is a feeling of joy to dive down deeply into a world I know next to nothing of and rise back to the surface with a new piece of treasure in my hands. 

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