31 December, 2020

New landscape

This year has changed the landscape of what we knew to be ours. Neighborhoods became unrecognizable. Shops windows darkened. Empty streets with only a scattering of school children. A division of those named as Essential Workers and those who normally populated the crowded city buses. The odd sensation of knowing everyone is in their homes, unless ordered or needed elsewhere.

How much I am looking forward to the New Year. Vaccines and anti-viral medications here you come! To all scientists, health care workers, and politicians willing to make hard decisions, my deep-felt thanks.

* This post is part of my "Growing Up & Growing Old" project.   

30 December, 2020

Early morning

Early morning snow fall. The first this year. The end of the year. What a year! One of stillness and waiting.

27 December, 2020

Hadley Story Corner: #14 The Buckley Family’s First Home (Lia)

(Buckley family, two brothers missing, Grandpa B back right, sister lower right, mother in the middle)

Grandpa Buckley was a very stern and bitter man. Uncle Peter said he became bitter because he spent his whole life making sure his mother and all his siblings (they were 10 siblings, all boys but the one sister) rose out of the poverty they were born into.

We were told that Grandpa’s family immigrated to Canada during the Potato Famine in Ireland. I am not so sure that it is so since 1845-1849 seems a bit early. He said they came over at the end of the 1800s.

In all likelihood, saying they came over during the Potato Famine, was another way of saying they came over because they were poor. Being poor was a stigma for many Irish immigrants, no matter when they came over and under what circumstances. 

The first house he and his family lived in when they arrived in Montreal was in the countryside. It was only the most rudimentary of houses; no running water, windows without glass, only shutters to keep out the cold, and far away from their neighbours.

As he became older, he glorified those times. He’d asked Pat to drive him and grandma out to the countryside to take a look at the landmarks of his childhood. Pat was always puzzled about this. Grandpa, someone who very rarely had anything positive to say about anyone or anything, would spend his time in the car reminiscing about the good times they had back then.  

24 December, 2020

Good tidings

Tidings of comfort and joy
Now more than ever welcomed, 
Celebrated, and warmed in the 
Palm of my hand, letting each
Note of wonder gently rub 
Away today's dark morning.

* This post is part of my "Growing Up & Growing Old" project.   

23 December, 2020

Long nights, short days

 The winter solstice has come and gone. Each long night a little less so. Each day more day.

20 December, 2020

To dear friends

Each day a candle, or two,
My thoughts wander in and out
Like my inner inbox, popping up 
Notifying, collecting, prioritizing,
And finding the best folder to 
Place the worries of health,
Memories of Xmas past,
That ever so thin thread of
Yearning for peace and
Kindness amongst all men.

* This post is part of my "Growing Up & Growing Old" project.   

15 December, 2020


Numbers and charts and death notices
Those who have become ill
Those who have recovered
Those who never will
Collectively we live each day
Weighted by fear and acceptance 
Each life a leaf pressed between
Pages and pages of living history
An artifact asking us to notice
And treasure, for eternity to come. 

* This post is part of my "Growing Up & Growing Old" project.   

11 December, 2020

My life's mottos


My three life mottos…

§ there is no excuse for bad behavior (learnt from my parents)
§ beginners are the best teachers (learnt parenting two exceptionally bright kids)

§ get comfortable with discomfort (learnt from life)
* This post is part of my "Growing Up & Growing Old" project.   

07 December, 2020

Early morning tea with Bach

It is a dark early winter morning
My weekend sits deep in my
Sleepy limbs and cotton batten brain
Bach winds around the Advent
Candlelight, as I turn my computer on.

02 December, 2020

Snow falling soundlessly

"Snow falling soundlessly in the middle of the night will always fill my heart with sweet clarity."     

Novala Takemoto

Winter has come. The days are short and so I have hunkered down and I am trying to embrace my inner hygge
* This post is part of my "Growing Up & Growing Old" project.   

01 December, 2020

Working at home contentedly

the christmas lights across 
the street, lift my spirits
every time I look up from
my monitor of spreadsheets
with numbered columns
and razor precision... I see
a bundle of fairy lights, all
disordered and joyously free