14 August, 2022

Mussolini Moment

L: How was the visit to your parents-in-law?
D: Tiring... Discouraging... Sad.
L: Was it seeing the state of their home? Is it still so messy?
D: Still messy, but that isn't it. They used to be so optimistic and it was always a comfort to talk to them. No matter how dire, they would always say, "It could be worse." or "This will pass." Now they are blaming the Turks and the refugees for everything. 
L: That must be hard to hear.
D: How could the two of them become so bitter with age? It scares me. My father-in-law now says, "If only Mussolini was in power" whenever he listens to the news!
(L. breaks out in laughter.)
L: Let's make a pact. If either of us catches the other saying such comments in the future, we have to promise to say, "Hey, dear friend, I think you are having a Mussolini Moment."
D: Done!

(This post is part of my "Growing Up & Growing Old" project.)

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