13 July, 2021

My parents’ philosophy


Me: If you were to sum up your parents' philosophy for raising children, what would it be?

A.: Creativity, love and freedom. They gave me the entire mandate to decide for myself – balancing on the edge of irresponsibility.

M.: Happiness is overrated (and puts a lot of pressure on the individual). Instead, look for joy in your life. Enjoy the moment.

K.: Not sure if my mother had a philosophy! Generously, I think she followed the philosophy of the times. This was, she was expected to have kids, as well as stay at home and raise us. All the while being a good wife to her husband’s career.

I think my father didn’t have a philosophy of being a parent, but he had one about how he wanted to live his life. Which was to be a good person, kind, loving and a good person for his kids, and grandkids to model after.

(This post is part of my "Growing Up & Growing Old" project.)

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